Submit a request

Please enter the name of the specific Tonie you are reaching out about.

Please enter the name and, if possible, the version number. For example, Google Chrome version 91, Mozilla Firefox 89. Tip: You can easily compile this information by calling up this address on the affected computer, smartphone or tablet: and copying the link that appears into this field.

Please select everything from the list that applies.

By checking this box, I represent that the information in this notice is accurate and complete.

Please enter the name of the article that is the subject of your request.

Please let us know where you bought the item (e.g. tonies® Online Shop).

The Support ID helps us with questions about your Toniecloud account. You can find it on under "Your profile".

You can find your order number in the email with the order confirmation or in your online shop customer account.

In case of technical problems with Tonies or the Toniebox itself, please enter the Toniebox ID of the relevant unit in XXX-XX-XXX format. You will find it on the sticker below the box. Please make sure that you enter the Toniebox ID as it appears on the sticker in capital letters and with hyphens.

You can find your customer number in your Tonie-Account in the tonies® Online Shop.

Please enter the URL to your PGP Public Key here.

Please enter your PGP Public Fingerprint here.

Please describe your request precisely and give us as much information as possible.

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    Data protection notice: We use your data to answer your enquiry. You can find more information in our privacy policy at