In addition to recording your own stories and songs, you can also assign our free content to your Creative-Tonies directly from the mytonies app!
Keep in mind that some of our free content is for a limited release only. We recommend signing up for our newsletter and following us on our social media channels to get notifications of new content releases!
For additional instructions and videos on how to use your Creative-Tonies, check out our tutorial videos!
How to assign free content using the mytonies app:
- Open the mytonies app and tap to open the 'Library' tab on the bottom of the screen.
- Make sure you are currently viewing the 'Free for you' section of the Library to see the list of currently available free content. Then tap on the name of the content you would like to assign.
- If you would like to assign this content, tap on the red tonie logo with arrow at the bottom of the screen.
- This will display a list of available Creative-Tonies you can assign the content to. Note that only Creative-Tonies with sufficient space and that you have access to will be shown here. Once you find the Creative-Tonie(s) you would like to upload to, tap on the picture of the Creative-Tonie.
- A green checkmark will be displayed next to the picture of the Creative-Tonie(s) you have selected. Once you are done selecting the Creative-Tonies, tap on the red 'Assign' button.
- The free content is now assigned to your Creative-Tonie! Now, you will just need to sync your Toniebox in order to download the new content. To do this, simply turn on the Toniebox and pinch one of the Tonieboxes ears for about three seconds until you hear a sound. The LED will begin flashing blue while your Toniebox updates with the new content. You can then place the Creative-Tonie onto the Toniebox when the light turns solid green. The new content will then be played and downloaded simultaneously.
Please note: The free content is based on your country settings and is currently only available in the region you are currently located.
If you run into any trouble during this process, send us a message and we will be happy to help!