How do I get the latest Today with tonies episode?
Today with tonies is our daily podcast packed full of fun, facts and challenges for curious minds. A new episode is released every morning – just in time for breakfast listening.
To get the latest episode all you need to do is pop your Tonie on the Toniebox and as long as you are connected to WiFi you should be good to go. If the latest episode does not automatically download, or you have been out of WiFi for a few days, you might need to squeeze an ear for three seconds to let the Toniebox know to refresh the content on the Tonie. If you’ve missed a few days all the latest episode will automatically download as soon as you pop the Tonie on the Toniebox with the latest episode playing first.
Episodes are stored in a descending chronological order, so today’s episode will always be the first one you listen to, then yesterday’s, then the day before… just tap the side of the Toniebox to navigate through them just as you would a normal Tonie.