Whoa, the groundhog. This cute little critter represents a very rare error, but no need to worry. So far, we’ve gotten rid of every groundhog!
There are two possible scenarios where the groundhog can appear:
- If the groundhog appeared the first time you set up a new Tonie, try the following:
- Wait 15 minutes: Usually our helpers in the Tonies engine room are aware of this little critter and are scaring him off in the background.
- After 15 minutes: Bring the Toniebox within range of a Wi-Fi network it can connect to, turn it on and place the problematic Tonie back onto the box.
- If your Tonie still says the groundhog code word, send us a message with your Toniebox ID and which Tonie is stirring up the groundhog. We will try to scare off the little mountain dweller and get in touch with you. You don’t need to take any further action after this. Resetting the Toniebox will not help in this instance.
- If your Tonie still says the groundhog code word, send us a message with your Toniebox ID and which Tonie is stirring up the groundhog. We will try to scare off the little mountain dweller and get in touch with you. You don’t need to take any further action after this. Resetting the Toniebox will not help in this instance.
- If the groundhog appeared when setting up your Toniebox, this might have something to do with the Wi-Fi or the router. To fix this, follow these steps:
- Unplug your router (and if necessary, the attached modem) from the power supply. Keep the router unplugged for about 15 seconds before plugging it back in.
- Bring the Toniebox closer to the router and attempt to go through the setup process again. To do this, use either the mytonies app or open our setup assistant.
- If the groundhog error appears again, send us a message and provide your Toniebox ID and your Wi-Fi router model, so we can get to the bottom of the issue!