There are a few special Tonies that include pre-loaded content on them, but they can also function as Creative-Tonies! Currently, these special Tonies include the LeVar Burton Tonie, the GoNoodle x tonies® Mindfulness Tonie, the Calm Tonie, the Steiff Hoppie Rabbit and Jimmy Bear Tonies, and the limited edition Purple People Tonie (no longer available).
Here's how to view the pre-loaded content that is included on the special Creative-Tonies:
Using the mytonies app
Open the mytonies app and tap the icon in the bottom right hand corner titled 'Collection'.
Tap on the 'Creative-Tonies' header.
Tap the special Creative-Tonie whose content you want to manage.
- By default, the special Creative-Tonie will display that the tracklist is empty. However, this just means that there has been no custom content added to it. The pre-loaded content will remain on the special Creative-Tonie until any custom content is added.
- To view the tracklist of the pre-loaded content, scroll down the page to the 'Collection' section. Here, you will see the corresponding pre-loaded content that is on that specific special Creative-Tonie. Tap on the corresponding image displayed there.
- Here, you can view the tracklist of the pre-loaded content on your special Creative-Tonie. If you would prefer, you do not need to upload any custom content to the special Creative-Tonie. If no custom content is added, the pre-loaded content will remain unchanged and will be able to be used just like a regular Tonie!
Have any other questions about how the special Creative-Tonies work? Check out our other support articles here:
How do I add new content onto my special Creative-Tonie?
How do I edit/delete content on my special Creative-Tonie?
How do I add the pre-loaded content back onto my special Creative-Tonie?