If a Creative-Tonie is not listed in your mytonies account after it has been placed on the Toniebox, it has most likely already been registered in another household.
A Creative-Tonie containing audio content is permanently linked to the Tonie household in which it was connected to the content. He cannot move to another mytonies account together with the content. If the Creative-Tonie should change its mytonies account, either the content must be deleted, or the Creative-Tonie must be removed from the previous mytonies account. Both options are only available to the owner of the original Tonie household or full members in that household.
Useful tips:
For example, if you have been given a Creative-Tonie with content as a gift and want to edit or add to the playlist, it is recommended to get invited as a full or Creative-Tonie member to the Tonie household where the Creative-Tonie is located. The Creative-Tonie will appear in your mytonies account after a successful invitation.
We show everything you need to know about memberships in the Tonie household in this video tutorial:
Please note: If you have bought a used Creative-Tonie and cannot add it to your mytonies account because it is still linked to content, please contact the previous owner to have them delete the content or release the Creative-Tonie. We do not remove content from Creative-Tonies.